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Personal Project: Reporting guidelines

Documents to help you draft your report

Criterion A: Planning Checklist

Draft Due: November ________ 2024



Use headings that align with each of the criteria strands (i, ii and iii)


State a learning goal in line with the assessment criteria.


Elaborate on the unique and authentic learning goal and include an explanation of why you chose that goal and how it’s linked to personal interest


State a product goal and an explanation of why you chose that goal in line with the assessment criteria.


Include success criteria that are research-based; show evidence clearly; 5 to 8 aspects


Include the product-specific action plan with the proper reasoning and research behind each step. Also includes space to note changes in the plan.


LENGTH: Maximum 5 pages of writing (including evidence) 

OR 3 minutes of slides and audio (m4v or mp4) + 2 pages of evidence


Works Cited up-to-date and properly formatted (may include some annotated sources) NOT INCLUDED IN THE “LENGTH” ITEM ABOVE


Arial or Times New Roman 11- or 12-point font throughout


1.5 or 2.0 line spacing throughout (possible exceptions being tables and graphs)


Page set-up with 2 cm margins


Criterion B: Applying skills checklist

This part of the report is divided into three sections:

  • Introduction to Criterion B: Taking action

  • Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • Applying ATL skills to my product goal



  • 未勾选 Identify the ATL skills you have chosen.

Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • 未勾选 Include your ATL skills statement for your learning goal. This statement names the skill, the strategy you plan to use to develop the skill and the evidence you will gather.
  • 未勾选 Explain the strategy (or strategies) you planned.
  • 未勾选 Include an explanation and/or evidence of using that strategy. An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.
  • 未勾选 Each ATL skill has at sufficient evidence. 
  • 未勾选 There is an authentic and relevant connection to the learning goal.
  • 未勾选 The evidence you include matches your ATL skills statement for your learning goal.

Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选 Include your ATL skills statement for your product goal. This statement names the skill, the strategy you plan to use to develop the skill and the evidence you will gather.
  • 未勾选 Explain the strategy (or strategies) you planned.
  • 未勾选 Include an explanation and/or evidence of using that strategy. An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.
  • 未勾选 Each ATL skill has sufficient evidence. 
  • 未勾选 There is an authentic and relevant connection to the product goal.
  • 未勾选 The evidence you include matches your ATL skills statement for your product goal.
  • 未勾选 LENGTH: 5 pages of writing and evidence OR 3 minutes of slides and audio (m4v or mp4) + 2 pages of evidence
  • 未勾选 Works Cited up-to-date and properly formatted (may include some annotated sources) NOT INCLUDED IN THE “LENGTH” ITEM ABOVE
  • 未勾选 Arial 11-point font throughout
  • 未勾选 1.5 or 2.0 spacing throughout (with the exception of tables and graphs)
  • 未勾选 Page set-up with 2 cm margins


Criterion C: Reflecting checklist 

Due with the complete draft: February ___ 2025

This part of the report is divided into three sections:

  • Introduction to Criterion C: Reflecting

  • Explaining the impact of the project on me and my learning

  • Evaluating the product based on my success criteria 



  • 未勾选 Write a brief introduction to Criterion C: Reflecting.

In this section of the report I will explain … and I will evaluate …

Explaining the impact of the project on me and my learning

  • 未勾选 Explain how I developed as a learner with respect to one or more of the Learner Profile traits.
  • 未勾选 I can also include the development of ATL skills NOT included in the Criterion B part of your report.
  • 未勾选 I emphasize strengths rather than weaknesses.
  • 未勾选 Through authentic and personal reflection, I demonstrate strong engagement with the Personal Project process, my learning and my personal development.

Evaluating the product based on my success criteria 

  • 未勾选 I evaluate my product honestly and I include evidence for each strand of the success criteria.
  • 未勾选 I include evidence that I evaluated my product together with my supervisor.
  • 未勾选 As I evaluate my product, I quote from the relevant parts of my success criteria but I do not include the whole table again. (This would be repetitive as it is already included in Criterion A.) 
  • 未勾选 I conclude this section of the report by evaluating the scope and sophistication of the success criteria in relation to the final product together with my product goal.

General writing guidelines

  • 未勾选 5 pages of writing and evidence OR 3 minutes of slides and audio (m4v or mp4) + 2 pages of evidence
  • 未勾选 There is a balance between the two strands with each one taking up about half of this part of the report.
  • 未勾选 Write in complete PEEL paragraphs. 
  • 未勾选 Proofread and ensure you adhere to conventions of grammar and spelling.
  • 未勾选 Works Cited up-to-date and properly formatted not included in the 5 pages or 2 pages of evidence stated above
  • 未勾选 Arial or Times New Roman 11- or 12-point font throughout
  • 未勾选 Page set-up with 2.5 cm margins
  • 未勾选 Double-spaced throughout


Command terms

Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process. 

Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Learning goal: What students want to learn as a result of doing the personal project. 

Outline: Give a brief account or summary. 

Product: What students will create for their personal project. 

Presents: Offer for display, observation, examination or consideration. 

State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Personal Project Report Exemplars (from the IBMYP)

PEEL Paragraphs

What is a PEEL paragraph?

PEEL is a model for paragraphing that helps you to make sure you are presenting a complete and supported idea that relates to your overall topic or argument (thesis). Using a paragraphing model like this will help you to develop as a writer and will ensure that your ideas are parceled together in an organized and comprehensible way. Here is what it stands for:

Point: Every paragraph begins with a topic sentence or a statement that delivers the point or purpose of the paragraph.

Evidence: Every claim or point must be supported with evidence. This might be a direct quotation, a paraphrase or the sharing of data from a source. Make sure you use in-text citation and reference the source in your Works Cited. This might be more than one sentence with more than one piece of evidence. This will depend on the topic and the length of the assignment.

Explanation: You need to explain the connection between the evidence you are providing and the point you are making. Note that you can sometimes reverse the explanation and the evidence, depending on what makes the most sense. Also, depending on the topic or the length of the assignment, one paragraph might include evidence from different sources and explanations for each piece of evidence (or an explanation of the connection between them).

Link: End your paragraph with a link to the main idea or argument you are presenting.

These sentence starters are courtesy of Alison Yang and were found here. You can visit her page for more report-writing guidelines.

Success indicators

Criterion A: Planning

Maximum: 8

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal;

ii. state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product;

iii. present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.

Grade bands


The student:

​​i. states a learning goal and explains the connection between personal interest(s) and that goal 

ii. states their intended product and presents multiple appropriate, detailed success criteria for the product

iii. presents a detailed plan for achieving the product and all of its associated success criteria.


The student:

i. states a learning goal and describes the connection between personal interest(s) and that goal 

ii. states their intended product and presents multiple appropriate success criteria for the product 

iii. presents a detailed plan for achieving the product and most of its associated success criteria.


The student:

i. states a learning goal and outlines the connection between personal interest(s) and that goal 

ii. states their intended product and presents basic success criteria for the product 

iii. presents a plan for achieving the product and some of its associated success criteria.


The student:

i. states a learning goal 

ii. states their intended product 

iii. presents a plan that is superficial or that is not focused on a product.

Indicators (evidence)

i. State a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

  • 未勾选

    Authentic, detailed and supported explanation of the link between a specific and unique learning goal and personal interest.

  • 未勾选

    Personal interest is thoroughly explained and linked to any of the following: prior learning, a global context, interest or hobby.


ii. State an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

  • 未勾选

    The specific and sufficiently challenging product goal is clearly stated.

  • 未勾选

    Research-based success criteria cover the scope (5-8 aspects) of the product and are clear, specific, suitably challenging, detailed and measurable (including a consideration of audience and/or purpose).


iii. Present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The detailed plan includes short-term and long-term action planning specifically tied to all of the success criteria. 

  • 未勾选

    The plan also includes most revisions that were made along the way. 

i. State a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

  • 未勾选

    Detailed and supported description of the link between a specific learning goal and personal interest.

  • 未勾选

    Personal interest is described and linked to any of the following: prior learning, a global context, interest or hobby


ii. State an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

  • 未勾选

     The product goal is clearly stated

  • 未勾选

    Clear success criteria cover the scope (5-8 aspects) of the product. 


iii. Present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The detailed plan includes short-term and long-term action planning specifically tied to most of the success criteria. 

  • 未勾选

    The plan also includes some revisions that were made along the way. 

i. State a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

  • 未勾选

    Outlines the link between a learning goal and personal interest.

  • 未勾选

    Personal interest is mentioned but may be superficial or only briefly outlined.


ii. State an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

  • 未勾选

    The product goal is stated

  • 未勾选

    Success criteria mostly cover the scope of the product. 


iii. Present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The plan includes short-term and long-term action planning specifically tied to some of the success criteria. 

i. State a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

  • 未勾选

    Vague or very brief statement of the link between a learning goal and personal interest.

  • 未勾选

    Personal interest may be unclear or not mentioned at all.


ii. State an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

  • 未勾选

    The product goal is stated

iii. Present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The plan is incomplete, superficial or does not focus on the product goal.



Learning goal: What students want to learn as a result of doing the personal project. 

Product: What students will create for their personal project. 

Presents: Offer for display, observation, examination or consideration. 

State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Outline: Give a brief account or summary. 

Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process. 

Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Criterion B: Applying skills

Maximum: 8

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal

ii. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product.

Grade bands


The student:

i. explains how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal, supported with detailed examples or evidence 

ii. explains how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product, supported with detailed examples or evidence.


The student: 

i. describes how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal, with reference to examples or evidence 

ii. describes how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product, with reference to examples or evidence.


The student: 

i. outlines which ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal, with superficial examples or evidence 

ii. outlines which ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product, with superficial examples or evidence.


The student: 

i. states which ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal 

ii. states which ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product.

Indicators (evidence)

This section of the report is divided into three sections:

  • Introduction to Criterion B: Taking action

  • Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选

    This section of the report addresses the application of the ATL skill(s) to the learning goal and to the product goal. 

  • 未勾选

    The student has chosen relevant ATLs with sufficient evidence and justification of their choices.

  • 未勾选

    This section of the report is balanced between the learning goal and product goal evidence.

  • 未勾选

    The explanation(s) and evidence are different for each of the strands (learning goal and product goal). There is no unnecessary repetition of ideas, explanations or evidence.



  • 未勾选

    Identification of the ATL skills chosen.

  • 未勾选

    Explanation of how selected ATL skills are relevant to the learning and product goals. 


i. Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes ATL Skills statement for the learning goal. Each statement names the skill, the strategy for developing the skill(s) and the evidence to be collected.

  • 未勾选

    Each strategy is then explained and justified with reference to the learning goal.

  • 未勾选

    Each ATL objective is supported with relevant examples and/or relevant pieces of evidence.
    An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is an authentic and relevant connection between the ATL skill objective(s) and the learning goal.


ii. Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes ATL Skills statement for the product goal. Each statement names the skill, the strategy for developing the skill(s) and the evidence to be collected.

  • 未勾选

    Each strategy is then explained and justified with reference to the product goal.

  • 未勾选

    Each ATL objective is supported with relevant examples and/or relevant pieces of evidence.
    An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is an authentic and relevant connection between the ATL skill objective(s) and the product goal.

This section of the report should be divided into three sections:

  • Introduction to Criterion B: Taking action

  • Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选

    This section of the report addresses the application of the ATL skill(s) to the learning goal and to the product goal. 

  • 未勾选

    The student has chosen relevant ATLs with evidence for each. 

  • 未勾选

    This section of the report is balanced between the learning goal and product goal evidence.

  • 未勾选

    The description(s) and evidence are different for each of the strands (learning goal and product goal). There is no unnecessary repetition of ideas, explanations or evidence.



  • 未勾选

    Identification of the ATL skills chosen.

  • 未勾选

    Description of how selected ATL skills are relevant and applicable. 


i. Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes an ATL Skills statement for the learning goal. The statement names the skill, the strategy for developing the skill(s) and the evidence to be collected.

  • 未勾选

    Each strategy is then described with reference to the learning goal.

  • 未勾选

    Each ATL objective is supported with relevant examples and/or relevant pieces of evidence.
    An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is a relevant connection between the ATL skill objective(s) and the learning goal.


ii. Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes an ATL Skills statement for the product goal. The statement names the skill, the strategy for developing the skill(s) and the evidence to be collected.

  • 未勾选

    Each strategy is then described with reference to the product goal.

  • 未勾选

    Each ATL objective is supported with relevant examples and/or relevant pieces of evidence.
    An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is a relevant connection between the ATL skill objective(s) and the product goal.

Imbalance (max. score of 4)

This section of the report may not be balanced between the two strands. It may also be too short. If written, this section of the report might only be 3 pages or fewer. If recorded, it may be less than 2 minutes long.

  • 未勾选

    This section of the report addresses the application of the ATL skill(s) to the learning goal and to the product goal. 

  • 未勾选

    The student has chosen ATLs and provided some (possibly superficial) evidence or explanation for each.

  • 未勾选

    The outlining of evidence may include some repetition.


i. Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes an ATL Skills statement for the learning goal but the statement might not include the evidence gathered.

  • 未勾选

    Each strategy is then outlined with reference to the learning goal.

  • 未勾选

    The ATL objective is supported by superficial examples and/or evidence.
    An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is a connection between the ATL skill objective(s) and the learning goal.


ii. Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes an ATL Skills statement for the product goal but the statement might not include the evidence gathered.

  • 未勾选

    Each strategy is then outlined with reference to the product goal.

  • 未勾选

    ATL objective is supported by superficial examples and/or evidence.
    An example is included in the narrative with reference to a source that appears in the Works Cited; evidence might be a screenshot, photo, graph, chart, extract from a process journal, drawing, or video capture explained in connection to your goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is a connection between the ATL skill objective(s) and the product goal.

This section of the report may be very imbalanced between the two strands. It may also be much too short. If written, this section of the report might only be 2 pages or fewer. If recorded, it may be less than 90 seconds long.

  • 未勾选

    This section of the report may only address the application of an ATL skill to either the learning goal or the product goal. 

  • 未勾选

    The student has chosen an ATL but there might be little or no relevant evidence.

  • 未勾选

    There might be unnecessary repetition used as filler.


i. Applying ATL skills to my learning goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes an ATL skill for the learning goal but the statement is not backed up with relevant evidence.

  • 未勾选

    A strategy may or may not be stated with reference to the learning goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is little connection between the ATL skill statement and the learning goal.


ii. Applying ATL skills to my product goal

  • 未勾选

    Includes an ATL skill for the product goal but the statement is not backed up with relevant evidence.

  • 未勾选

    A strategy may or may not be stated with reference to the product goal.

  • 未勾选

    There is little connection between the ATL skill statement and the product goal.

Criterion C: Reflecting

Maximum: 8

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning 

ii. evaluate the product based on the success criteria

Grade bands


The student:

i. explains the impact of the project on themselves or their learning ii. evaluates the product based on the success criteria, fully supported with specific evidence or detailed examples.


The student: 

i. describes the impact of the project on themselves or their learning 

ii. evaluates the product based on the success criteria, partially supported with evidence or examples.


The student: 

i. outlines the impact of the project on themselves or their learning 

ii. states whether the product was achieved, partially supported with evidence or examples.


The student: 

i. states the impact of the project on themselves or their learning 

ii. states whether the product was achieved.

Indicators (evidence)

i. Explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning  

  • 未勾选

    Explains how they developed as a person, possibly with reference to one or more Learner Profile traits focusing on the self (for example, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, and/or balanced).

  • 未勾选

    Explains how they developed as a learner, possibly with reference to one or more Learner Profile trait focusing on the learning (for example, inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker, communicator and/or reflective). 

  • 未勾选

    The reflection is authentic and personal and does not unnecessarily repeat any other part of the Personal Project report.

  • 未勾选

    Reference to ATL skill development should be other than those skills addressed in Crit. B.

  • 未勾选

    Emphasis on the student’s strengths and growth (not only weaknesses)


ii. Evaluate the product based on the success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The product is thoughtfully evaluated against each of the success criteria with sufficient evidence for each strand.

  • 未勾选

    The success criteria are not included again in this section of the report because they appear in Criterion A; strands from the success criteria can be quoted or referenced when being evaluated.

  • 未勾选

    Includes evidence that the evaluation was undertaken together with their supervisor

  • 未勾选

    The student may also evaluate the scope and sophistication of the success criteria in relation to the final product. For example, they could explain what they would have changed, deleted or added and why.



  • 未勾选

    This section of the report is nearly equally balanced in length between the two strands.


Works Cited

  • 未勾选

    The Works Cited is submitted together with the report (in a separate PDF); it is accurately formatted according to MLA guidelines with a suitable variety, range, and number of sources; each listed source is referenced in the body of the report.

i. Explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning  

  • 未勾选

    Describes how they developed as a person, possibly with reference to one Learner Profile trait focusing on the self (for example, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, and/or balanced). 

  • 未勾选

    Describes how they developed as a learner, possibly with reference to one Learner Profile trait focusing on learning (for example, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, and/or balanced).

  • 未勾选

    The reflection is authentic and personal 

  • 未勾选

    There is little unnecessary repetition of content from other parts of the report.


ii. Evaluate the product based on the success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The product is evaluated against each of the success criteria with some evidence for each strand.

  • 未勾选

    Includes some evidence that the evaluation was undertaken together with their supervisor

  • 未勾选

    The student may also evaluate the success criteria in relation to the final product.


  • 未勾选

    This section of the report is nearly balanced in length between the two strands.

Works Cited

  • 未勾选

    The Works Cited is submitted together with the report (in a separate PDF); it is mostly accurately formatted according to MLA guidelines with some variety and range of sources; most listed sources are referenced in the body of the report.

i. Explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning  

  • 未勾选

    Outlines how they developed as a person or as a learner with possible reference to one Learner Profile trait 

  • 未勾选

    There may be unnecessary repetition of content from other parts of the report.


ii. Evaluate the product based on the success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The product is evaluated against most of the success criteria with little evidence stated.


  • 未勾选

    A significant imbalance between the two strands can achieve no more than a 4.

Works Cited

  • 未勾选

    The Works Cited is submitted together with the report; it is partially accurately formatted according to MLA guidelines with little variety or range of sources; few if any listed sources are referenced in the body of the report

i. Explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning  

  • 未勾选

    States that they developed as a person or as a learner 

  • 未勾选

    There may be substantial, unnecessary repetition of content from other parts of the report.


ii. Evaluate the product based on the success criteria

  • 未勾选

    The product is evaluated against some of the success criteria no evidence stated.


  • 未勾选

    A significant imbalance between the two strands can achieve no more than a 4.

Works Cited

  • 未勾选

    The Works Cited is missing or incomplete or may only be a list of URLs.