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Cite Your Sources: NoodleTools

This page has lots of resources to help you create citations for your research assignments.

What is NoodleTools?


When we do research, we find information from sources like books, articles, websites, and videos. Then we use this information to create a new piece of writing or a video or a presentation. This research process passes information and knowledge from one person to the next and we all learn more because we are sharing knowledge.

However, when we share information or take information from another person, we have to be ethical about it. That means we have to tell our readers where we got the information. We do this for a few reasons. One reason is so our readers can find the sources we used and continue learning on their own so they can pass information to others. And another reason is to give credit to the person we took the information from. We give credit by describing the source we used in a sentence called a "citation" and it it looks like this:

Ricks, Christopher. "Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize." The Threepenny Review, vol. 148,
     2017, pp. 20-21. JSTOR,

This citation tells our readers the author, the title, the container, the page, the date, and the URL of where we found this source. Citations are written in a certain way and always follow exact rules. For example, the author's name is always first; the article title is always in quotation marks; and the container is always written with italics. These rules can be hard to remember. Fortunately, students can use online tools to help them write citations. NoodleTools is a resource AISG students can use to help them make these citations. The link below will help you log in to your NoodleTools account and will help you make citations accurately.

Helpful Websites

NoodleTools Basics

View this slideshow for simple instructions for logging in and making a citation for a website or a book. If the slideshow does not load, please open the file attached below.

NoodleTools Video Tutorials

Logging in

How to log into NoodleTools:


1. Go to the main NoodleTools login screen is here:


2. Click the "Microsoft 365" button on the sign in page at: 


3. You may be prompted to select your Microsoft 365 account if you are not already logged in or if you are logged into multiple Microsoft 365 accounts.


4. If you've logged in this way before, the NoodleTools Projects screen will open and you're done! If you have not entered through Microsoft 365 before, the "Account Setup" window will open. 


5. Account Setup Window

Step 1: Creating a new/empty account

If you are a new user, leave the "Create account" tab selected (default). Choose "I am a student or library patron" (default) or "I am a teacher or librarian." Click Create Account. 

The NoodleTools Projects screen will open and you're done!


Optional: Accessing the NoodleTools Companion app: 

To access the NoodleTools Companion iOS/Android app, locate the "Companion Key" in your NoodleTools user profile and use that key as the password (and your Microsoft 365 email as the username).