“The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
– Albert Einstein
Below you will find lists of books related to bullying and upstanding. Many wonderful discussions and teaching moments can happened when parents and children read together.
Bystanders are those who witness injustice and do or say nothing. Doing or saying nothing sends a message that injustice is acceptable.
It isn’t! Be an Upstander.
An Upstander is someone who:
From the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights
Be an Upstander and A.C.T.
A = ASK: When you hear someone tell a joke that belittles others or use a word that is demeaning, ask, “Do you know what that word means? Did you intend to be hurtful?”
C = CHOOSE: Being an upstander is a choice, just like being a bystander is a choice – but doing or saying nothing in the face of injustice implies that you agree.
T = TEACH: Teach by example of how you live your life. “Upstander” is a verb, as well as a noun. I cannot call myself an upstander if others do not witness me as such.
From the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights