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Summer Reading: Home

Suggested great reads to keep you going all summer long.

Summer Reading, Successful Reading

Plan a summer of successful reading:

1. Read every day

2. Try a variety of genres

3. Try a variety of formats (ebooks, audiobooks, graphic novels)

4. Include podcasts and magazines

5. Set a reading goal or challenge. How many books? How many genres? How many pages?

6. If you are motivated by social activities, consider creating a bookclub with your friends or family.

Photo by Dan Dumitriu on Unsplash

The New York Times Summer Reading Contest is their longest-running challenge — and the simplest.

All you have to do to participate is review what you’re reading, watching or listening to in The New York Times and why.

Don’t have a subscription? No problem! We’ll be providing dozens of free links to teen-friendly articles, essays, videos, podcasts and graphics every week from June through August. (AISG does have a subscription to the NY Times)

And this summer, both to celebrate the contest’s 15th year and to shake things up a bit, we’ll be trying something new: Students can enter as they always have by submitting a short written response — or they can make a video up to 90 seconds long.

Got questions? We have answers. Everything you need is detailed below.

But if you’re a teacher who would like to have your students practice for this now, before the contest begins, note that the only rule around content is that a piece must have been published in 2024. Beyond that, we don’t care if your students pick something on catschatbots, the cost of college or the crisis in the Middle East; Beyoncé, book bansbasketball or banana bread. We just want to hear what they think. To help, we’ve created a special practice forum. Join us!

Have fun, and, as always, post your questions here or write to

Summer Reading Lists

SUGGESTED Summer Reading

See the links below to find some SUGGESTED summer reading.

Tips for Learners of English


  • Read in your first language or in English.
  • Keep a journal and list all the books you read.
  • Read magazines See the library catalog or the tab above labeled "eBooks, Audiobooks, and Digital Magazines" to access AISG's digital magazines.


  • Keep a diary which describes all the awesome things you do in the summer.


  • If you're online, speak in English while gaming.
  • Speak English at home.
  • Speak English with friends.


  • Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, and English movies and shows.


  • Keep learning in English and in your first language 
    • Visit museums and art galleries.
    • If you go somewhere, read about it first. Study the history.
    • Go for walks and take pictures of what you see; share them with friends.
    • Watch BrainPop videos.

Digital Experiences

Try Podcasts